Gravity Waves, A Key Aspect of Einstein’s General Relativity, Detected

Those were the headlines two weeks ago in various forms, announcing that gravity waves, a key aspect of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, had been detected. Rather than publish this article then, I waited to see what the scope and breadth of the reporting would be and the various reactions to it. Conspiracy theorists were … More Gravity Waves, A Key Aspect of Einstein’s General Relativity, Detected

November 25th Centenary Date for Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

Over the centuries, many have tried to explain gravity but none have done more or come closer to a full explanation or understanding of it than the great physicist, thinker, philosopher and Nobel Laureate, Albert Einstein. Isaac Newton published his Principia Mathematica in 1687. It contained all of his work, including but not limited to … More November 25th Centenary Date for Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity